Kershaw Trooper – And other Hattori Daggers

The most well known Daggers made by Hattori are likely to be the Kershaw Model 1007 Trooper and the smaller Special Agent.

Trooper1 Trooper 1007

The Trooper model 1007 was introduced in 1978 and produced continuously until 2009. It is the only Kershaw Knife that was serial numbered throughout it’s entire production. The overall length was 9 3/8″ and blade length 5 1/4″. The blade was double edged Aus8 mirror polished with a stainless steel pommel and guard. The handle was close grained ebony hardwood. When it was first introduced it had no fuller,  but one was added sometime in very early 1980. The handle material was also changed to a Phenolic one .

Trooper1 Very early Trooper

20150602_140025_zps6jqrhfss (1) Case and COA

The Trooper was sold in a presentation case, with leather sheath and Certificate of Authenticity dated and signed by Peter Kershaw.

In the 1980s Kershaw offered a serial numbered limited series of Troopers which had carved ivory handles depicting animals  which included an Eagle, Grizzly Bear, Bighorn Sheep, Polar Bear. The handles were made by Erhard W. Gross.

Another version:

0130384236675327533 Special Agent

The Special Agent was a smaller version with an overall length of 8 1/2″, a blade length of 4 1/4″.

Hattori also made the Fang series of daggers for Al Mar Knives.

$_57 Al Mar Fang II

The Fang II was the larger with an overall length of 10″ and a Aus8 blade of 5 1/4″, brass guard and wood handle.


The Fang I was the smaller boot knife with a 6 3/4″ overall length and a 3 1/2″ blade. While not often seen now there were some variants using ivory/white micarta and sometimes very handsome engraving work.


The most readily identifiable Hattori daggers are the two models made for Beretta. Both were sold with serial numbers, Pietro Beretta logo engravings and presentation cases.



The Beretta Daggers were offered in the Large and Small sizes. They were offered is a commemorative box with logo engraved, and also without.

Beretta-knives-014 Beretta daggers

The Beretta models were later made under Hattori’s brand:


HATTORI983B300 H983B

9 3/8″ overall, 5 1/8″ blade Aus8

HATTORI983A1300 H938A

7 1/4″ overall 3 11/16″ blade Aus8

HATTORIULTRABK H983 Ultra Dagger 9 1/2″ overall 5 1/8″ blade in Aus8

R: 148 G: 255 B: 184 X:43796 Y: 0 S: 0 Z: 20 F: 278

R: 153 G: 255 B: 180 X:43796 Y:19912 S: 0 Z: 20 F: 334

R: 149 G: 255 B: 182 X:43796 Y:19912 S: 0 Z: 20 F: 284

A very rare believed to be a one of a kind is a Hattori H938A made for a Beretta Limited Edition series which was customized by David Yellowhorse.



A currently produced boot knife/dagger is the Fallkniven G1 Garm.

garm10 With early sheath

SWEDG1N Current sheath

The G1 has an overall length of 7 1/2″ and a solid VG10 blade RC 59 blackened with Ceracoat 8H of 3 1/2″ length.

Prodfuction of the Fallkniven G1 Garm ended in 2017 but was resumed in 2022 using Crucible’s CPM20cv steel.

The largest dagger by far is the Cold Steel Taipan in Sanmai III laminate, with a VG1 core and 420j2 sides produced from 2006 to 2015.


58 thoughts on “Kershaw Trooper – And other Hattori Daggers”

  1. Hi
    Could you tell me why there are some Kershaw troopers that has no serial number on them?

    1. According to Kershaw every Trooper 1007 sold in the U.S. market was serial numbered.
      However a number of Troopers have been reported without serial numbers. Either a few were
      imported into the U.S. at an early stage before the serial numbering, or they were shipped to
      To date I have never seen or heard of a counterfeit/fake Trooper. There was a dagger which closely resembled the Trooper sold under the brand name “Jaws” and model 712 but most of these have no country of origin, but some do have “Taiwan” on them suggesting that they are just a copy.

  2. Hi can you please tell me more about the Kershaw, by Kai Japan. Special Agent knife. I bought mine 30 years ago and still have it. I’m from South Africa

  3. Kershaw Special Agent made by Kai Japan. Can you possibly give me an idea of what it is worth. The knife is 30 years old. Thank you.

    1. The Kershaw Special Agent was made by Hattori concurrently with the larger 1007 Trooper. The resale value depends mostly on it’s condition as the
      handle is painted and often there are visible wear marks. A used Special Agent sells for about USD 100 +/- and a very good condition collectable grade one can sell for USD 200 or more. Issues like the original sheath, box, etc all make a difference.
      I would suggest going on ebay and looking up Kershaw Special Agent, as well as using words like “boot knife” and “dagger” to see what is being asked. Then run the same search with the “SOLD” box in the left column checked off to really see what you could get.

  4. How much would you guess the serial number 0000 trooper would be worth? I so happen to have come across it and am wondering.

    1. Troopers generally go for between $250 to $300, assuming clean shape, complete box, papers, sheath, Pete Kershaw signed COA, engraving plate. If you have a Serial 0000 that’s complete it’s probably worth at least the higher end to a collector. I assume it has no fuller.

    1. Jaws is brand name used by Taiwan made clones of the Kershaw Trooper and Special Agent.
      They are not as valuable as the authentic Kershaw models.

  5. I have a Kershaw boot knife/dagger that has – (1002 Japan) on the one side and (Oregon USA) on the other side , its said to be pre-1982 version of the Special agent ? Is this also a Hattori one ?

  6. I live in Perth, Western Australia, and I bought my Kershaw Trooper from my Snap on Tools dealer. Snap on have re-badged several Kershaw knives over the years.
    The serial number on mine is 19494, and dated July 1991, according to the COA. I used to carry it when I would go hunting for feral goats, and kangaroos. I liked that, although it was a boot knife, that I could wear it on a belt, and that it would tuck in tight, maintaining a very low profile, which was ideal for vehicle mounted operations.


    1. Erhard W. Gross was hired by Kershaw to make a limited edition of ivory carved handles for the Trooper in the mid 1980s.
      The handles were animal themes and included an Eagle, Grizzly bear, Bighorn sheep, and polar bear. They were quite expensive at the time
      but not common enough today to quickly guess their value.

      1. Hi Ken,

        Don’t know if this site is still active. I have both the small and large Berretta Dagger in cases with COA and original receipt. They are both #69. I hate to ask this blatently, but I am trying to help a family member value them for an estate. Do you have any idea what the pair of matched 100 and 101 model Hattori Berretta daggers would be valued at? Thanks for any info, have been searching forever and your site is the most comprehensive. I’ve been on here for hours just looking. It’s amazing the craftsmanship that goes into these, and it’s sad because it really is a dying art like so many other things.

  8. I have three ivory handled Kershaw knives with display boxes Baller brand new in the box . Two r number 11 of 100 one is serial number 15 ! When is an eagle and I believe the other two are bears

        1. Upload your photos to a free picture hosting site, like imgur or

          Then use the “img” button at the top of the posting box on this site to enter the url of your photo.

      1. This is Mike V I was mistaken there’s two birds and one bear the one that has like a curved beak and looks something like a eagle diving the other one looks like an eagle just sitting posted and the other is a bear I will try and post some pictures

    1. THANK YOU, would you have a suggestion as to who would know a true value of this knife, thanks again ron bull

    2. Do you want to sell them? I’d love to purchase
      If this is still active I’ll send you my email if you would like

  9. Hello.

    Thank you for this excelent website. I realy enjoy reading all this information. Sinds you are so well informed i have a question.

    In 1992 i bought a kershaw trooper from a reaspected dealer in the Netherlands. The knife was in the shop already for some years. But it has no serialnumber!

    Later i bought a second one with a number. Is has same presentation box, and 100% same excelent finisch. It is so similar in al details and so perfect it can not be false.

    Any one know someting about troopers without serialnumber??

    Thank you.

    1. Hello Joppe,
      I can’t express any definite view without seeing your unnumbered Trooper. However, to my knowledge the Trooper was never counterfeited. There was a company called Vega Sport Co. who imported a knockoff of the Trooper made in Taiwan marketed as the Jaws Model 712, but the appearance and fit and finish are readily discernible as not being a Kershaw Trooper. In addition to initial prototypes made prior to a full production run, When a factory produces large volumes of OEM knives there are invariably “extras” which may not have all the engraving/stamping features. This can occur when more knives are manufactured than the shipping order and don’t go through the final steps. I have seen such knives in other models produced at a few Seki manufacturers. So I believe your unnumbered Trooper may very well be authentic.

  10. any difference in value from early years to the last ones made(Kershaw trooper)?

    Better to have the ebony wood handle or the phenolic handle?


    1. Only to a person collecting Troopers and puts a value on one of the early ones.
      But usually older versions ask a little more because they are more rare.

          1. I can send you the 2015 Trooper Report for $12.00.
            It shows sold prices by serial numbers including the early ones.
            Please see the “hattori knives for sale” section on the main page
            and email me if of interest.

            1. Since I been looking and buying a few, I have found a decent amount under the 2500 range with grooves in them too.

  11. i have quit a few kershaw collector knives from the ’80s including one of the Ivory Eagles mentioned in this thread. can you recomend someone to give me market value before i start listing them for sale?

  12. Hi, I’ve inherited an early Trooper from my late father in law, it is in the presentation case with COA dated 1978. It is serial number 0135. Can anyone please give me some info as to how I would go about selling it? I’m in the UK.

    Many thanks,


  13. Hi Ken,

    Love your site. I have been trying to get info on the berretta knives for a family member. They are running an estate and I am interested in purchasing. My father bought both the 100 and 101 model of Berretta Hattori knives in 1984. They are both #69 and that was the year he went to Vietnam, and that why he bought them. I’m interested in purchasing them from the estate. They both are in the boxes with COA and papers including the original receipt. Do you have any idea what a matching set of the berretta knives would be today? Any help would be appreciated. Also, great site. Been perusing for 2 hours just reading. Amazing craftsmanship, but sad because it’s a dying art like so many other things.


    1. Just seen your remarks and im sitting here looking at my Kershaw Trooper with Serial Number 0098 Manufactured in March 1978. Consecutive serial numbers. This would make a nice pair for a serious collector. I would accept offers on mine.

    1. You “might” get lucky and find an original Trooper sheath on ebay. But the odds are pretty low.
      You might be better off getting a custom done.
      Try Harry Savage at
      He takes like a week to answer his emails but he has done sheaths for various daggers so he could probably make on for your Trooper.

  15. Hi Ken, I have a trooper S/N 12927. It was manufactured in 1984. it is carved ivory depicting a panther. I think it is one of a kind. I contacted Kershaw put they can’t tell me anything about it. Apparently some records were lost. I can send pictures. I was just wondering if you can tell me anything about it. Thanks

    1. It is very unusual to find a forum like this. Courteous people with questions answered by knowledgeable people… I wanted to say thank you to both sides. I’ll ask my question next time.

  16. Just an update on the Troopers without serials.
    There were some large Kershaw markets outside of the USA, including South Africa which was a large importer of Kershaw.
    It seems me me that the serials were added by Kershaw USA when they were shipped there, and also the paperwork with the serial was added. So those Kershaws exported to other countries were not serialled. Have seen more than 50 Troopers here in SA and most have no serials unless they were purchased from the USA. Also seems it was not logistically possible or worthwhile for Japan to make and supply the sheaths, so these were added by the agents in the countries they were exported to, and suppliers changed over time, hence why we see a variety of sheath styles over the years. SA Troopers have no serials or serial card, and instead have a grey small pamphlet. Sheaths were made by local SA companies. All knives originated in the same factory though and are official.

  17. I have a Kershaw trooper 1007 Japan with sheath no serial number no case or certificate wondering what it’s value might be

    1. There have been reports of the occasional Kershaw Trooper in unmarked form. Especially outside the U.S.From what can be determined they are knives that “trickled out” of the Hattori factory during production. Because of their rarity there is no way to gauge the value. A collector might place a premium on it while others may discount it for not having the proper markings.
      Best go to EBay and look up Sold prices as a basis. You can also look through Arizona Custom Knives to see what prices may have been attained.

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